On 13 February 2008, former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd delivered the National Apology to Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for the forced removal, hurt and suffering that past government policies had inflicted.

These policies and laws were designed to assimilate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples into the predominately white community. On a national scale, the pain and trauma that First Nations people suffered was significant.

With each year that our country commemorates the National Apology, we continue supporting each other in our healing journey. While the National Apology is an important part of this process, it also serves as a reminder of the real and present pain and suffering Stolen Generations survivors, and their families experience


Elm Place

Elm Place is committed to working against the injustices of the past and the ongoing systemic and structural practices perpetrated against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. In partnership and with dignity, integrity and humility, Elm Place hopes to create a more compassionate, nurturing, safe and healing space for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People’s ongoing journey.